Ferris State University will make reasonable accommodations for students who are absent from the University when called to temporary active military service. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the faculty in writing as soon as the temporary assignment has been received. Upon formal notification, the faculty will excuse the student from the class, labs, clinics for the temporary active military service (not to exceed 12 consecutive calendar days of classes)1 and allow the student to make up all class work including missed exam, and presentations; however, the student is responsible for completion of all missed work within a reasonable time as determined by the faculty. If the class requires class participation during the time missed, the student’s participation grade will be averaged only for the class periods excluding the temporary active military service.
If a student disagrees with the faculty member’s determination, the student may make a written appeal to the dean of the student college. The decision of the dean is final.
1Students that need to miss more than 12 consecutive calendar days of classes may need to consider a military withdrawal. See https://ferris.edu/admissions/registrar/military_withdrawal.htm
Issue Date: 07/14/2009 Revision Date: 07/14/2009
Policy No. 091
Office of Academic Affairs | 1201 S. State St. | Big Rapids, MI 49307
Phone: (231) 591-2300 | Fax: (231) 591-3592 | www.ferris.edu