2025 - 2026 Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025 - 2026 Catalog

Student Complaint

University Policy

Ferris State University is committed to addressing student complaints in a timely manner. All students have the right to initiate a complaint. Students are encouraged to resolve concerns informally themselves by first talking directly with the University representative involved. Ferris State University distinguishes between student complaints and student appeals of college policies and decisions.

Student Complaint Procedures

A student who has attempted to resolve the issue informally and was unable to do so, may file a formal written complaint. This should be done as soon as possible after attempting to resolve the issue informally, but within six months of the occurrence.

Formal complaints must be filed in writing with the direct supervisor of the person with whom the informal complaint was lodged. Written complaints should include an overview of the situation, summary of informal resolution process and the complainants signature.

This policy does not apply to complaints regarding unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, and other sexual misconduct allegations. All allegations regarding unlawful discrimination and sexual misconduct involving employees should be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity, MCK-109, (231) 591-2152. All other sexual misconduct allegations (those involving students, guests, volunteers, etc.) should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, 129 UCB, (231) 591- 2088.

Student Confidentiality

If a student does not want to personally or directly contact a University employee, to discuss a complaint, they may contact the person in the next highest level of authority, which would commonly be the supervisor (department chair, director, dean, associate vice president/provost). The student can request a meeting or send a signed written description of the issue and request that their identity be kept confidential. Efforts will be made to keep confidentiality, but doing so may limit the options to take action.

For help with or assistance in filing:

Big Rapids Academic Complaints

Contact: Associate Provost of Academic Operations, CSS-310D, (231) 591- 2300 [email protected]

Big Rapids Non-Academic Complaints

Contact: Dean of Student Life, UCB-129, (231) 591-2686  [email protected]

Statewide and Online Academic Complaints

Contact: Associate Dean, Extended and International Operations, ALU-117, (231) 591-2502 [email protected]

Statewide and Online Non-Academic Complaints

Contact: Associate Dean, Extended and International Operations, ALU-117, (231) 591-2502 [email protected]

Kendall Academic Complaints

Contact: Dean of Academic Affairs, KDL-764, (616) 259-1265 

Kendall Non-Academic Complaints

Contact: Dean of Student Success, KDL-758, (616) 259-1113

Report unlawful Discriminatin and Sexual Misconduct by Employees

Contact: Director of Equal Opportunity, MCK-109, (231) 591-2152

Report all other Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Contact: Title IX Coordinator, UCB-129, (231)591-2088 Title IX Complaints

Report all other Allegations of Student Misconduct

Incident Reporting Form


Issue Date: 3/4/2020 Review Completed On: 3/4/2020 Student Complaint Policy

Ferris State University | 1201 S. State St. | Big Rapids, MI 49307
Phone: (231) 591-2000 | www.ferris.edu