2025 - 2026 Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025 - 2026 Catalog

Study Abroad

Purpose Statement 

The purpose of this policy is to define required components of study abroad programs and the roles and responsibilities for the students, faculty, and staff. 


The Study Abroad program provides invaluable opportunities for students participating in educational experiences to become immersed in the language, culture, and people of the countries visited. By participating in a Study Abroad program, students have the opportunity to enhance their development as citizens of the world. Student Study Abroad experiences can be one of the most enriching and inspiring learning experiences of their lives. Ferris State University values international education and is committed to making this opportunity available to every qualified student, and to assuring that each student’s experience is educationally and personally valuable, and that the location is in a safe environment and has adequate facilities to support the Study Abroad program. 

Program Proposals  

Study Abroad proposals must be completed in their entirety including, but not limited to:   

  • Rationale for the courses and credit hours being offered;  

  • Day-by-day schedule that specifies program contact hours, including formal classroom, excursion, and other educational activities;  

  • Day-by-day description of site visits and excursions and the educational objectives of such visits and excursions;  

  • Assignment sheet(s) and schedule(s) for completing the assignments  

  • A clear statement of grading policy and all information that will be used to compute grade;  

  • Statement of learning and intercultural growth that describes how learning will be assessed, including how students will learn about the culture of the country or countries where the experience is taking place;  

  • Day-by-day schedule of unstructured time: Time during the trip when there are no scheduled academic activities.   


Approval Procedure  

Proposals will be submitted to the appropriate academic deans and department heads for preliminary approval. Upon receiving academic approval, the proposal will be submitted to the Study Abroad office for assessment of logistics and other program support. Following review and approval by the Study Abroad office, the proposal will be returned to the appropriate Dean for approval. Final review and approval must be given by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of the President.  



Short-term, faculty-directed study abroad travel following the end of a semester may not be scheduled to begin before the Friday of finals week, and faculty should not plan programs that return after the beginning of a semester for which they are teaching a course. However, with prior approval of the Dean, programs may return after the beginning of the semester. A request for exception should include a plan for class coverage and any other possible issues. The Dean’s decision is final. Students participating in study abroad programs are expected not to miss exams during exam week and are expected to return before their first class meeting of the next semester if enrolled for classes the next semester unless an exception has been granted as described above.  

Short-term, faculty-directed study abroad travel scheduled during the semester must not begin before the scheduled beginning of a Ferris break and must be completed by the end of that scheduled Ferris break. However, with prior approval of the Dean, programs may begin before the scheduled break or return after classes resume following the break. A request for exception should include a plan for class coverage and any other possible issues. The Dean’s decision is final. Students participating in study abroad programs are expected not to miss any class days during the semester of their travel due to the study abroad trip unless an exception has been granted as described above.   


Credit Hours  

Based off of national standards, no more than 1.5 credit hours of discipline-area coursework will be granted per each week period of travel (thus, a one-week long trip could offer up to 1.5 hours of credit, a two-week trip up to three credit hours) unless both the proposal form and the course syllabus expressly demonstrates how additional pre/post trip contact hours will meet all the approved outcomes of the course.  


Making Travel Arrangements  

When necessary, the study abroad office will make all travel arrangements using Ferris-approved professional travel services to plan, schedule, and make arrangements for study abroad trips. Alternatively, the study abroad office will assist the Faculty Leader with group travel reservations, in-country reservations and arrangements, and coordinating travel planning with the selected travel agency(ies), if necessary.  

The faculty leader should work with the study abroad office on all financial arrangements and transactions.  



The study abroad program, with faculty participation, must provide students with opportunities to provide detailed feedback regarding study abroad office assistance, pre/post trip organization, contact hours, excursions, assignments, and achievement of learning outcomes.  


Administrative Oversight 

Based on the program review, the Office of International Education may recommend to Academic Affairs to suspend faculty from participating in future international programs in the case they are not in compliance with international program policies and procedures.  



Study abroad course syllabi must include:  

  • Course Information: The syllabus must indicate course number and title, credit hours, prerequisites, and the semester and year of offering.  

  • Required Textbooks and Materials: All textbooks and materials, event fees, and other costs associated with the course must be communicated to the students in writing.  

  • Course Outcomes: All courses must indicate agreed-upon program and course learning outcomes. Additionally, General education courses must indicate general education outcomes. Syllabi must also contain a statement of learning and intercultural growth that describes how learning will be assessed, including how students will learn about the culture of the country or countries where the experience is taking place.  

  • Course Description: The catalog description and any special delivery methods must be indicated (for example, fully online course, blended course, etc.). For courses with Internet components, please provide instructions for accessing the course content and who to contact with technical support issues.  

  • Policies: Any rules, guidelines, and procedures for the course must be indicated. All syllabi must include a detailed grading policy.  

  • Course Requirements: Syllabi must indicate the type of assignments for the course. 

  • Course Calendar: Syllabi must include day-by-day schedule that specifies program contact hours, including formal classroom, excursion, and other educational activities; day-by-day descriptions of site visits and excursions and the educational objectives of such visits and excursions; assignment sheet(s) and schedule(s) for completing the assignments, and a day-by-day schedule of unstructured time. 


The intended audience for this policy is students and faculty. 


Unstructured time: Time during the trip when there are no scheduled academic activities. 


For questions regarding this Policy, contact the Office of the Provost at [email protected].   

Related Documents 

Procedures for International Programs  


This policy supersedes 7:03. 

Issue Date: 09/30/2007  Revision Date: 9/13/2023 

Study Abroad Policy

Office of Academic Affairs | 1201 S. State St. | Big Rapids, MI 49307 

Phone: (231) 591-2300 | Fax: (231) 591-3592 | www.ferris.edu