2025 - 2026 Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025 - 2026 Catalog

Section 1: Mission & Definitions

Code of Student Community Standards

Educational Mission

Ferris State University exists to afford quality educational programs and experiences for the benefit of the students and communities it serves. In order to operate effectively, the University community requires a system of order in which its members, including the faculty, students, administration, and staff, support the educational functions and objectives of the University. It is the responsibility of each member of the University to promote standards of personal integrity that are in harmony with the educational mission of the institution.

Rights & Freedoms

As a member of the University community, students are expected to respect and value the rights of others, support the academic environment, and encourage the proper use of University facilities. Students are expected to observe national, state, and local laws as well as University rules, regulations, and policies. However, in developing this policy, the University wishes to reaffirm its traditional support of freedom of speech, freedom of inquiry, and freedom to dissent.

Code of Student Community Standards

The Code of Student Community Standards, the “Code” which is the official policy of the University, is comprised of principles and policies on Student Rights, Student Dignity, Misconduct, Victims’ Rights, Alcohol and Other Drug Policies, Disciplinary Procedures, and other principles and procedures. 


The 2023-2024 Code of Student Community Standards was implemented on June 7, 2023.

Definition of Terms in the Code

For the purposes of this code, the following definitions shall apply.

  1. 1. The term “University” means Ferris State University.
  2. The term “student” includes the following:
    1. A person who has been notified of their acceptance for admission to Ferris State University, who is admitted and enrolled in any credit-bearing course or program in any school or division of Ferris State University, or who is a continuing student between academic periods.
    2. A person who resides in Ferris State University housing, whether or not that person is enrolled in any school or division of Ferris State University.
    3. A person was enrolled at the University at the time of the incident, but has since withdrawn while disciplinary matters are pending.
  3. The term “faculty member” means any person hired by the University to conduct classroom responsibilities.
  4. The term “Director of Student Conduct” means the Director and all designees as assigned, including Conduct Case Manager. The Director of Student Conduct has experience and extensive training on issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking as well as the procedures for conducting investigation and conduct conference processes that protect the safety of the complainants and promote accountability.
  5. The term “Vice President for Student Affairs” means the Vice President and all appropriate designees as assigned.
  6. The terms “University official” or “staff member” includes any person employed by the University, performing assigned administrative, professional, or para-professional responsibilities.
  7. The term “Campus Security Authority” is defined as “An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. (as defined by the Ferris State University Business Policy 2013:10, Clery Act Compliance)” Students can report crime to any campus security authority, including, but not limited to, University police, local police, Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Deans, Associate Deans, Directors, Assistant Directors, Department Heads, Educational Counselors, Registered Student Organization Advisors, Hall Directors, Residence Hall Advisors, Coordinator of Student Life, Inter Fraternity Council Advisor, Student Recreation Center staff, PTM Director/Manager Racquet & Fitness Center, PTM Administrative Assistant, Athletic Coaches and Assistant Coaches, Athletic Director, Associate Athletic Director, Director of Student Conduct, and Student Conduct Specialist.
  8. The term “Title IX” refers to Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 and the related regulations and guidance, specifically as it relates to sexual harassment, gender discrimination and harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence. The Tile IX Office and the Office of Student Conduct have adopted specific procedures for ending the discrimination, preventing its recurrence, and remedying the effects of the discrimination.
  9. The term “Complainant” is defined as any person or group who submits a complaint alleging that a student violated this Student Code of Community Standards. When a student believes that they have been a victim of another student’s misconduct, the student who believes they have been a victim will have the same rights under this Student Code of Community Standards as are provided to the complainant when required by law, even if another member of the University community submitted the complaint itself (as defined in the “Model Code” by Ed Stoner & John Lowery). Although the term complainant is used throughout the Code, the University recognizes it is not a term that is all-encompassing of an individual’s experiences, particularly when an act of violence is involved.
  10. The term “Respondent” is defined as a student (as previously defined by Ferris State University) who is alleged to have violated the Code of Student Community Standards.
  11. The term “Witness” is defined as an individual who has had direct presence/involvement in an incident and/or who was provided with information regarding the incident directly from the respondent(s), alleged complainant(s), or both. This also may include individuals, who in their professional capacity, have contributed information which led to allegations and subsequent charges.
  12. The term “Advisor” is defined as any individual chosen by the complainant or respondent to provide support before, during, and after the conduct conference process. This person may be an attorney, but at no point may this individual represent in place of the individual they are there to support. 
  13. The term “Conduct Case Manager” is defined as any University official who is authorized by the Director of Student Conduct to meet with students regarding alleged violations of the Code of Student Community Standards, to recommend appropriate charges and outcomes, and to monitor the completion of assigned educational and/or administrative outcomes.
  14. The term “Student Conduct Appeals Officer” is the Vice President of Student Affairs or their designee who is authorized to determine the merits of an appeal request, and to uphold, modify, or dismiss a decision made by the Office of Student Conduct. 
  15. The term “day(s)” is defined as calendar days, unless otherwise noted, excluding those when the University is considered closed.

Time Limitations

  1. Time limitations that are specified in the following sections of this code may be extended for a reasonable period of time if an extension is justified by good cause under the totality of circumstances. 
    1. A respondent in a conduct conference may make a request for an extension of a specific time limitation.
    2. A request for an extension must be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Conduct.
  2. If a time limitation is not specified for a particular action under this code, the action must be taken or conducted promptly or within a reasonable period of time as determined from a consideration of the totality of the circumstances.
    1. A respondent in a conduct conference may make an appropriate objection concerning the promptness or reasonableness of the time within which an action is taken or a proceeding is conducted.
    2. An objection must be made to the person conducting the conduct conference regarding the matter. 

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Student Rights

  1. The freedom to exercise all of their citizenship rights, without University interference or fear of University disciplinary action for such activity.
  2. All the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States and the State of Michigan.
  3. Freedom from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity under federal and state laws. Ferris State University Non-Discrimination Statement
  4. Information pertaining to their academic standing, graduation requirements, and course requirements.
  5. Confidentiality of their records, consistent with federal and state laws, and University policies.
  6. Join associations of their common interest(s).
  7. Peacefully protest, demonstrate, or picket as long as it does not disturb the functions or operations of the University. 
  8. Initiate a complaint that may bring about an investigation and/or disciplinary action involving another member of the University academic community.
  9. Be provided all pertinent information that may be considered part of their conduct conference.
  10. Not to be falsely accused of violating policies of the Code of Student Community Standards. 

Student Responsibilities

  1. Free Inquiry and Expression - Ferris State University, like all academic institutions, exists for the advancement of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of students, and the promotion of the general well-being of society. Free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the attainment of these goals. Students are expected to exercise their freedom to learn with responsibility and to respect the general conditions that maintain such freedom. Enjoyment of the freedoms described here depends in part on a student maintaining effective communication with the University.
  2. Maintaining Local and Permanent Address - Ferris State University expects all students to maintain a current local and permanent address. Addresses may be updated online or in person at the Timme Center for Student Services.
  3. Regularly Check & Respond to University Notices via Email - It is the student’s responsibility to regularly check their Ferris State University email and respond to University notice appropriately. The University has developed general regulations concerning student conduct, which safeguard the right of every individual student to exercise fully the freedom to learn without undue interference. 
  4. Abide by University Policies - By entering into Ferris State University’s educational community, you are agreeing to abide by Ferris policies. Our polices maintain a safe and educational environment for you and others to learn and grow in. This responsibility includes the responsibility to comply with directives from university officials and to be honest.