2025 - 2026 Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025 - 2026 Catalog

Section 4: General University Conduct Policies

A. Academic Integrity Violations

( Adapted from Indiana University’s Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct and The Pennsylvania State University Code of Conduct.)

Academic misconduct is managed in part through the conduct process in collaboration with faculty at Ferris State University. Most alleged academic integrity violations are addressed via the Academic Affairs Academic Misconduct Process (Academic Misconduct Resolution Process). Students involved in egregious and/or repeated acts of academic misconduct are referred to the Office of Student Conduct by their faculty for allegations of academic misconduct. It is under the purview of each faculty member, in collaboration with their respective department and college, to spell out in their syllabus and enforce an academic outcome for academic integrity violations.

Additionally, upon review of the allegation, the Office of Student Conduct may schedule the student for a conduct conference relating to the allegation of academic misconduct, which is defined as any activity that tends to undermine the academic integrity of the institution. A violation of the University policy on academic integrity includes, but is not limited to, the following:


    A student may not use, or attempt to use unauthorized assistance, materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise, nor should a student give assistance, materials, information, or study aids to another student in any academic exercise.


    A student must not falsify or invent any information or data in an academic exercise including, but not limited to, records or reports, laboratory results, and citations of the sources of information.


    A student must not intentionally or knowingly help or attempt to help another student to commit an act of academic misconduct.

    Additionally, each student is responsible for taking reasonable precautions to ensure their work is not accessed by or transferred to another individual wherein it may then be used to commit a violation of the University academic integrity policy.


    1. A student must not steal, change, destroy, or impede another student’s work. Impeding another student’s work includes, but is not limited to, the theft, defacement, or mutilation of resources so as to deprive others of the information they contain.
    2. A student must not give or offer a bribe, promise favors, or make threats with the intention of affecting a grade or the evaluation of academic performance.

    1. Proper Acknowledgement. A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, images, words, or statements of another person, including previous work of their own submitted for previous course credit, without appropriate acknowledgment.
    2. Requirement for Acknowledgement v. Common Knowledge. A student must give credit to the originality of others and acknowledge indebtedness whenever they quote or paraphrase another person’s words, either oral or written and whenever they use facts, statistics, or other illustrative material, unless the information is common knowledge.
    3. Sources used Verbatim. In instances where students are using content directly quoted from a source, that content MUST be indicated through the use of quotations AND properly cited both in text and at the end of the document.

    A student must not violate course rules as contained in a course syllabus which are rationally related to the content of the course or to the enhancement of the learning process in the course.


    A student must not violate the professional standards or ethical code related to one’s intended profession as defined by the academic program or department.

B. Individual Misconduct On or Off University Property


The University may discipline a student for the following acts of reported individual misconduct which occur on University property or at a University-sponsored function.


Additionally, the University may discipline a student for the following acts of reported individual misconduct that are not committed on University property, acts that arise from University activities that are being conducted off the University campus, or acts that occur online, if the misconduct:

  1. Undermines the security of the University community,
  2. Adversely affects the health and safety of the Ferris State University community and/or the pursuit of its objectives, or
  3. Compromises the integrity of the educational process.

Such acts include but are not limited to:


    Acting as an accessory to any unlawful act or the violation of any University policy. Threatening or attempting to engage in any unlawful act or violation of any University policy or being present when a violation of policy occurs.


    1. Any posting of advertising materials must be done by authorized University staff only. For any posting of advertising materials within Ferris’ Housing facilities, approval must be given by the Center for Student Involvement (CSI), with the final approval authority resting with the Housing and Residence Life Office. Refer to CSI for posting policy procedures. The stuffing of mailboxes is not permitted.
    2. Solicitation is not permitted in University buildings and/or grounds, excluding any approved University sponsored charity fundraiser programs. University Housing reserves the right to individually approve or deny activities. University housing may not be used for business purposes.

    Actions that endanger the student, the University community, or the academic process. These actions include, but are not limited to the following:

    1. Attempts to Cause Fear or Alarm: Behavior that has the purpose or reasonably foreseeable effect of interfering with an individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment, or participation in University sponsored activities and causes the person to have a reasonable apprehension that such harm is about to occur.
    2. Expressed or Implied Threats: An expressed or implied threat is behavior that interferes with an individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment, or participation in University sponsored activities and causes a person to have a reasonable apprehension that such harm is about to occur.
    3. Creating a Condition that Endangers: Engaging in behavior that creates a condition that endangers others.
    4. Throwing Objects: Throwing objects with the potential for disruption or danger.

    Animals that are not service animals are not permitted in university buildings (residential students are permitted to have fish in their residence, not exceeding 20-gallons total capacity per room). Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are only allowed in university housing with an accommodation from Educational Counseling and Disability Services and approval from Housing/Residence Life; ESAs are not permitted in other campus buildings. Students who have an animal on campus are expected to properly pick up and dispose of the animal’s waste, always have them in a carrier or on a leash or harness if not in a designated room, and are responsible for the animal’s behavior and for ensuring the animal is not causing concern based on their behavior. 


    1. Unauthorized and/or inappropriate use of computers is prohibited. Such use includes, but is not limited to: Any attempt to circumvent any security measure of the University or another entity.
    2. Intentional use, distribution, or creation of viruses, worms, or other malicious software.
    3. Unauthorized copying or distributing of licensed software, or copyright-protected or patent-protected material.
    4. Any attempt to access IT Resources or data without appropriate authorization and authentication.
    5. Without authorization, destroying, altering, dismantling, disfiguring, preventing rightful access to, or otherwise interfering with the integrity of IT Resources.
    6. Without authorization, invading the privacy of individuals or entities that are creators, authors, users, or subjects of the IT Resources.
    7. Use of IT Resources that disables other IT Resources, negatively impacts University business or materially increases the costs of IT Resources, or interferes with the intended use of the IT Resources.
    8. Develop or use any unauthorized mechanisms to alter or avoid charges levied by the University, or its service providers, for computing, network, printing, or other services.
    9. Use of IT Resources for financial gain and/or commercial purposes, without prior authorization.
    10. Using Ferris State University systems to search or purchase firearms, recreational drugs, alcohol, or pornography.
    11. Downloading, installing, or running security programs or utilities that reveal passwords, private information, or exploit weaknesses in the security of a system. For example, Ferris State University users must not run spyware, adware, password cracking programs, packet sniffers, port scanners, or any other non-approved programs on Ferris State University information systems.
    12. Network scanning, or doing security research (University People, Processes, or Technology), without explicit, written permission from the CIO or Vice President for Administration and Finance is prohibited.

    Damage to, destruction, or misuse of property belonging to the University or others.


    1. False Accusation: Knowingly presenting a false accusation of misconduct toward another student or individual.
    2. Misrepresentation: Intentionally misrepresenting the truth to a university or safety official including providing false information or statements.
    3. Forgery: Producing, using, or possessing any falsified university or official document, identification, or form of monetary payment.
    4. Altered Parking Pass: Producing, using, or possessing any falsified pass used to obtain parking privileges at Ferris State University.
    5. Altered Identification: Producing, using, or possessing any falsified document for the purpose of gaining entry or access, or undue benefits.
    6. Alteration, or Misuse of any University Document or Record.

    Behavior that unreasonably disturbs the peace of the university or local community and/or obstructor or disrupts the normal operations of the university and/or academic process, or infringes on the rights of others to freely participate in the University’s programs or services. Behavior that interferes with teaching, research, administration, or other University or University-authorized activity or that disrupts the University environment either during an event or incident or as a result of an event or incident. This includes instances of classroom disruption that go beyond mere verbalization of dissent.


    1. Obtaining, posting, and/or distribution of another person’s nude (full or partial) photos and/or videos without their consent.
    2. Obtaining, posting, and/or distribution of photos and/or videos of sexual activity without the knowledge and consent of all participants.
    3. Possession or distribution of photos, sound recordings, or videos of individuals under the age of 18 engaging in sexual activity and/or nudity (full or partial) is prohibited.

    1. Failure to comply with the directions of authorized University officials in the performance of their duties.
    2. Failure to comply with the directions of authorized community safety officials in the performance of their duties (i.e. Law Enforcement Personnel, Emergency Medical Personnel, Fire Department Personnel, Emergency Management, etc.).
    3. Failure to identify oneself when requested to do so.
    4. Failure to comply with reasonable requests of other students.
    5. Failure to comply or complete a Student Conduct Outcome.
  11. GUESTS

    Students are responsible for the actions of their guests and are responsible for ensuring their guests adhere to all University policies.


    Harassment is behavior that creates a hostile or intimidating environment in which verbal or physical conduct, because of its severity or persistence, is likely to unreasonably interfere with an individual’s work environment, education environment, or environment for participation in University activities.

  13. HAZING

    Hazing is defined as any conduct which subjects another person (whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically) to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person due to an affiliation with a group or organization, regardless of the person’s consent.


    Initiating or circulating a report or warning concerning an impending bombing, fire, or other emergency or catastrophe, knowing that the report is false; making a false report or threat concerning a fire or that a bomb or other explosive has been or may be placed in any University building or elsewhere on University property; or transmitting such a report to an official agency, students, or others.


    Intoxication is defined as being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, regardless of age, where such behavior causes a disturbance or other concern to the University.


    Behavior that can reasonably be deemed as lewd, indecent, or obscene is not permitted on or offcampus.


    1. Failure to Provide ID on Request: Ferris students are required to carry their student ID at all times. All students (and their guests) are required to provide identification upon request of a University official, including student staff members.
    2. Duplicate or Disseminate Student ID and University Keys: A student may not duplicate and/or disseminate their student ID or any University key.
    3. Another’s ID or Key: A student may not use or possess another student’s ID or key.

    1. Physical Harm or Violence: Physical behavior directed toward another person(s) which may include, but not limited to, assault, fighting, brawling, and/or striking another.
    2. Behavior That Restricts Freedom: The use of physical force or violence to restrict the freedom of action or movement of another person.
    3. Mutual Fights: Mutual physical behavior between parties which may include, but not limited to, assault, fighting, brawling, and/or striking.

    A weapon, for the purpose of this policy, is defined as: (1) a loaded or unloaded firearm, whether operable or inoperable, (2) a knife, stabbing instrument, brass knuckles, blackjack, club, or other object specifically designed or customarily carried or possessed for use as a weapon, (3) an object that is likely to cause death or bodily injury when used as a weapon and that is used as a weapon or carried or possessed for use as a weapon, (4) an object or device that is used or fashioned in a manner to lead a person to believe the object or device is a firearm or an object which is likely to cause death or bodily injury, (5) pneumatic devices, including any device that is designed to expel a projectile by the use of air, gas, or spring, to include BB guns, paintball guns, and Airsoft guns. (2016:04 Campus Violence and Weapons Prohibition Business Policy)

    For purposes of this policy, a firearm is defined as any weapon which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of an explosive.

    1. No individual may possess a weapon, except as provided by the Ferris State University business policy on weapons, including individuals who hold a concealed weapon permit.
    2. No individual may possess an explosive device, or materials used on the construction of an explosive device.
    3. No individual may possess chemicals or other dangerous substances or compounds.
    4. No individual may possess any item that could reasonably be viewed as or mistaken for a weapon, such as airsoft guns.

    Answers to questions or issues related to firearms or other weapons may be located in the University’s Campus Violence and Weapons Prohibition policy.


    Individuals are not permitted to process (butcher/clean/hang) animals/game (deer, rabbits, fish, goat, etc.) or hides anywhere in or near the residence halls, University apartments/suites, or elsewhere on any property controlled by Ferris State University.


    Urinating in a public place, including on private property, on buildings, and/or inside a common space of a building.


    1. Taking or implying adverse action (verbal or physical) against any individual on the basis of a good faith report/allegation made by such individual is prohibited.
    2. Taking or implying adverse action (verbal or physical) resulting from an individual’s (real or perceived) participation in an investigation, hearing, conduct conference, or inquiry by the university or other appropriate authority, or the individual’s participation in a court proceeding relating to alleged misconduct is prohibited.

    Rioting is defined as acting with violence and/or aiding, encouraging, and/or participating in a riot.


    Sexual Misconduct is a general term that addresses unwanted behavior of a sexual nature, between people who have a dating/domestic relationship, and/or that is related to a person’s sex, gender, sexual orientation, and/or gender expression/identity. Sexual misconduct includes:

    • Sexual harassment
    • Sexual assault
    • Sexual exploitation
    • Dating/domestic violence
    • Stalking

    Detailed polices, definitions, and resolution processes related to sexual misconduct by students can be found in the Code of Community Standards, Section III: Sexual Misconduct Resolution Process. Additional similar policies and processes applicable to students and other members of the Ferris community can be found in the Sexual Harassment and Related Title IX Grievance Process.

    Students should be aware that sharing information regarding sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or related retaliation with an employee of the University, other than a designated confidential resource, will result in that employee sharing the information with an appropriate University official for review and investigation.


    Stalking is engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety or the safety of others, or suffer substantial emotional distress.


    Unauthorized disclosure or revealing your account password or access codes or key codes to others or allowing the use of your account or access codes or key codes by others is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, family, friends, and other household members.


    1. Contrary to Law: On or off University property, or in the course of a University activity or student organization activity, when the possession or use is contrary to law and/or University policy.
    2. Creates Danger: On or off University property, when possession or use creates a danger to self or others, including, but not limited to, driving while under the influence of alcohol.
    3. Supplying to Minors: The sale, gift, or transfer of alcohol to minors, or where a party is hosted where underage consumption occurs.
    4. In Public/Unauthorized area: In or on any property of the University frequented by the public, except in areas specifically designated by the President of the University.

    Unauthorized possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or sale of fireworks, incendiary devices, flammable or combustible materials, or other dangerous explosives on University Property is prohibited.

    *See also, Ferris State weapons policy. 


    The use or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by Ferris State University when the following applies:

    1. Contrary to Law: On or off University property, or in the course of a University activity or student organization activity, when the possession or use is contrary to law and/or University policy. 
    2. Creates Danger: On or off University property, when possession or use creates a danger to self or others, including, but not limited to, driving while under the influence of alcohol.
    3. Supplying to Minors: The sale, gift, or transfer of alcohol to minors, or where a party is hosted where underage consumption occurs.
    4. In Public/Unauthorized area: In or on any property of the University frequented by the public, except in areas specifically designated by the President of the University.

    The term “controlled substance” is defined by Federal and Michigan law, and includes, but is not limited to, substances such as cannabis, cocaine, narcotics, certain stimulants and depressants, and hallucinogens. The following actions are prohibited by Ferris State University:

    Recreational and Medical Cannabis: The Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act and Michigan Medical Marihuana Act conflicts with federal criminal laws governing controlled substances, as well as federal laws requiring institutions receiving federal funds, by grant or contract, to maintain drug-free campuses and workplaces. The state constitutional amendment authorizing individuals over the age of 21 to recreationally use cannabis (“Proposal 1”) does not change Ferris’ prohibition or authorize a student to use cannabis. Federal law, including the Drug Free Schools Act, continues to prohibit cannabis. Thus cannabis use and possession, even if in compliance with Proposal 1, is prohibited.

    1. Contrary to Law: Use or possession of any drug, controlled substance (including cannabis and products containing THC), or drug paraphernalia on or off University property or in the course of a University activity or student organization activity, contrary to law or without a valid and legal prescription for such drugs or controlled substances.
    2. Cannabis and Drug Accessories: Paraphernalia means any equipment, product, material, or combination of equipment, products, or materials, which is designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing cannabis into the human body.
    3. Creates Danger: On or off University property, when possession or use creates a danger to self or others, including, but not limited to, driving while under the influence of drugs, cannabis, THC based products, or controlled substances that impair one’s ability to operate a motor vehicle.
    4. Use of Facilities: Use of University facilities to manufacture, process, or distribute any drugs, cannabis, THC based products, or controlled substances contrary to law.
    5. Distribution: Sale, attempted sale, gift, transfer, or attempted transfer of drugs, cannabis, THC based products, controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia, whether or not such sale, gift, or transfer occurs on or off University property or in the course of a University activity or student organization activity.
    6. Manufacture: Possession, production, manufacture, or use of any substance that is used as a drug on or off University property.
    7. Prescription Misuse: Abuse or misuse of any prescription drug, the unauthorized possession of prescription medication, or the sale or attempted sale of a prescription drug.

    Making, attempting to make, transmitting, or attempting to transmit audio or video of any person(s) on or off campus in bathrooms, showers, bedrooms, or other premises where there is an explicit expectation of privacy with respect to nudity (full or partial) and/or sexual activity, without the knowledge and consent of all participants subject to such recordings. (Policy adapted with permission from Rutgers University)


    1. Unauthorized taking or possession of University property or services (including University Recreation or Dining Services).
    2. Unauthorized taking or possession of the property or services of others.


C. Housing and Residence Life Policies

The following is a list of Housing policies. Knowing these policies and following them are the responsibility of each person from the time they become a resident of University Housing.


Individuals/groups who fail to comply with and/or violate these policies may find themselves subject to university discipline. Students are responsible for their assigned living area and any activities that occur therein, including the behavior of their guests. The assigned resident does not need to be present, actively involved, or even aware that an incident involving their guests has taken place in order to be held accountable for that incident.


Living in the on-campus community helps solidify the educational experience and contributes to the growth of an individual. Thus, students are asked to assume initial responsibility in addressing complaints on their own.

If you have a problem with the noise/behavior of another student, you are expected to ask that student to reasonably change their behavior. If that student is uncooperative, you should then request assistance from a Housing staff member.


Ferris State University reserves the right to amend or develop additional policies or procedures as necessary to ensure the promotion of safety for the community. University officials will make every attempt to communicate changes in a timely manner to those affected.


In order to meet the educational and social needs of students, the University has established a set of community standards for each residence community. These standards are based upon four (4) fundamental rights of all University Housing students:

  • Sleep and study in one’s own living space
  • Live in a clean and sanitary environment
  • Have a means of addressing concerns
  • Be free of fear from intimidation and physical or emotional harm

It is important to note that living on campus is a privilege, not a right. The information in this section is intended to communicate clear expectations regarding individual conduct, contractual obligations, and community responsibilities. Students may be charged with violations of these policies through the University’s student conduct process.


    Students may not open, tamper with, or otherwise manipulate pipe chase access doors and panels, or open or gain access to similar spaces of any kind.


    Individual or group activities that may result in a disturbance or distress to others or that cause or may reasonably cause damage or destruction to self or property are prohibited. When individual responsibility cannot be determined, the residents of a living community may become collectively responsible for restoration costs. Examples of behavior covered by this policy include, but are not limited to, damage to building, graffiti, etc.


    1. Any posting of advertising materials must be done by authorized Housing Staff only. For any posting of advertising materials in or around Ferris State’s Housing facilities, approval must be given by the Center for Student Involvement (CSI), with the final approval authority resting with the Office of Housing and Residence Life. See CSI for posting policy procedures. The stuffing of mailboxes is not permitted.
    2. Solicitation is not permitted in any on-campus community nor is it permissible for any student to operate a business from any on-campus living assignment. Individuals or student organizations found in non-compliance with this policy are subject to disciplinary action.

    Air conditioners (including window and floor units) are generally not permitted. Such units may be permitted in an on-campus community if a medical necessity is verified by Disability Services and approval is granted by Housing and Residence Life. Students living in an on-campus community must use a University provided air conditioner unit installed by University staff. A fee is charged for such services.


    In order to support legal and responsible drinking habits, the use or possession of alcoholic beverages is defined in the following areas:

    1. Consumption of alcohol may only occur in a living space where ALL residents present are 21 years of age or older and ALL guests present are also 21 years of age or older.
    2. Consumption of alcohol is allowed in the shared living space in apartments, suites, and Cramer Hall rooms when the resident who is drinking is 21 years of age or older.
    3. Students under the age of 21 may not be present in a residence hall room or common space where alcohol is present or being consumed.
    4. Residents under the age of 21 may not possess or display empty alcohol containers. Empty containers may be considered evidence of possession, consumption, or both.
    5. Under no circumstances are kegs or other types of “common sources” of alcohol allowed in University housing regardless of age.
    6. Drinking games are prohibited in University housing. Games, such as beer pong, are prohibited regardless of what is being consumed (i.e. water, soda, etc.).

    The Office of Housing and Residence Life recognizes the challenge to find quality day care while attending college. To help relieve this burden the “No Business” policy excludes Licensed Day Care, with the following stipulations:

    1. Daycare must be licensed through the State of Michigan and providers must comply with all state licensing regulations.
    2. Daycare is only allowed in the townhouse apartments.
    3. Daycare providers may only care for the children of students living in the University Apartments.
    4. Number of children being cared for shall not exceed 4 (including their own children).
    5. It is not permissible for any resident to provide child/day care in the residence halls or suites.

    Tampering, covering, or otherwise obstructing the normal operation and/or functions of alarms, extinguishers, or smoke detectors is prohibited.


    Gambling of any kind in any form with monetary consequences is prohibited.


    A guest is defined as any individual not assigned to that residential hall, suite, or apartment, or a resident’s animal.

    1. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests and are responsible for ensuring that their guests adhere to all University policies.
    2. Guests must be accompanied by a resident of the community they are visiting at all times. Guests are not permitted to be alone in the community they are visiting, this includes occupying a room while a resident is away.
    3. Guests visiting for more than 3 consecutive days must be registered with the Office of Housing and Residence Life at least one (1) week prior to such visit. Requests may be directed to the Office of Housing and Residence Life and sent to [email protected]. Requests for exception to this policy may be denied at the sole discretion of the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Persons not identified as residents or resident’s guests may be considered trespassers at the University’s discretion.
    4. Residents who permit guests to reside in their assigned living area for more than 3 consecutive days or more than 10 days out of any month constitutes a violation of the housing contract. Residents found violating this policy may be subject to cancellation of their housing contract.

    Hall Directors must approve any usage of common area facilities by residents, students, recognized student organizations, and/or any other person or group. Generally, residence hall and suites’ common area spaces are reserved for the exclusive use of the staff and residents of that building.


    Situations or items such as piled, soiled clothing, open food containers, exposed food items, vomit or bodily fluids, unkempt bathroom or kitchen facilities (dirt, mold, pools of algae water), and the noxious odors emanating from such pose serious health hazards in the community and are prohibited.


    In addition to other policies listed in the Code of Student Community Standards, the following policies apply to Residence Halls, West Campus Apartments, and East Campus Suites.

    1. Present: Students may not be present in University housing where illegal drugs, cannabis, THC based products, or controlled substances are present or being used.
    2. Accessories and Paraphernalia: Cannabis accessories and paraphernalia means any equipment, product, material, or combination of equipment, products, or materials, which is designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing cannabis into the human body
  13. KEYS

    Residents are expected to carry their student ID and key at all times. It is expected that students will take proper precautions to ensure the safe keeping of their student ID and University housing key, as well as the safety of their residence hall room, suite, or apartment. The Housing staff should not be expected to key residents into their room. For safety and security issues, a resident should report a lost or missing key or ID immediately.


    Abuse of another’s possessions or damage to equipment in the laundry room is not permitted. Any use of the equipment by or for a non-resident of that building is not permitted.


    Public area (lobby, study room, lounge) furniture is not permitted to leave the building or designated space. Such furniture is not permitted in suites or in student rooms.


    The painting of any living space is prohibited. The University paints on a regular rotating schedule. Similarly, students are not permitted to decorate walls, ceilings or furniture with paint, highlighter, pencils, pens, washable paints, acrylics, laundry detergent, or any other substances. All wall coverings that are manufactured with more than 10% of their surface area covered in adhesive are prohibited.

  17. PETS

    Pets, unless allowed by law, are not permitted with the exception of fish. Fish tanks may be no larger than 20-gallon total capacity per room. It is not the responsibility of housing staff to feed fish in a student’s absence. University staff may confiscate any other pets found in a residence hall, apartment, or suite. Exceptions are made to pets living on an established pet friendly floor with a signed housing animal agreement. Students who have an animal residing on an established pet friendly floor with a signed housing animal agreement are expected to properly pick up and dispose of the animal’s waste, always have them in a carrier or on a leash or harness if not in their designated room, and are responsible for the animal’s behavior and for ensuring the animal is not causing concern based on their behavior.


    Possession or use as decoration or possession of stolen property including city, county, or state government property, such as road signs, is not permitted. Possession of stolen property is a violation of state law and University policy. Stolen or unauthorized property is subject to confiscation.


    Residents have the right to sleep and study in their rooms at any time. When asked by someone to respect this right, residents are expected to demonstrate courtesy and consideration by complying with the request. This policy applies to noise that can be heard from both inside and outside a living area. Alleged violations of this policy may result in the confiscation of items or devices creating the disturbance.

    1. Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a general rule, at no time should noise be heard from a resident’s living area from more than 2 doors away, from another floor, or outside the building.
    2. Quiet hours are in effect Monday thru Thursday from 11:00 PM until 8:00 AM the following day, Saturday quiet hours are from 1:00 AM until 10:00 AM, and Sunday quiet hours are from 1:00 AM until 10:00 AM and 11:00 PM until 8:00 AM the following day. Quiet hours means that sound must not be audible beyond the limits of any individual room, suite, hallway, or lounge.
    3. During finals week, 24-hour quiet hours will be in effect. Any student removing a loft at the end of a semester or academic year must do so before 24-hour quiet hours begin or wait until the final examination period is completed. During finals week, students in violation of this policy may be asked to vacate their living area prior to the end of the semester.

    Actions that infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others are prohibited, regardless of the intentions behind the act.


    Satellite dishes, antennas, or similar devices are not permitted in the residence halls, suites, or apartments.


    Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes or similar items, is prohibited in apartments, residence halls, and East Campus Suites. Students must stand well away (minimum of 25 feet) from all buildings while smoking outside and ensure that smoke is not bothering building residents. The use of any smoking device or any simulated smoking device is prohibited.


    Running, frisbee throwing, hockey, in-line skating, skate boarding, bouncing balls, riding bikes, and other similar activities are prohibited in the residence halls and suites. No remote-control toys or nerf guns are to be operated in the hallways. Staff members reserve the right to confiscate equipment used in violation of this policy.


    Students are responsible for taking out their own trash. Trash must be taken to and deposited in the nearest available industrial dumpster outside the building. Students found to have disposed of any waste inappropriately will receive a fine, face disciplinary action, or both. All trash must be removed from all rooms regularly and before all break periods. Trash bags are available at the residence hall and East Campus Suites desks for residents’ use.

    NOTE: Medical waste must be disposed of strictly in accordance with the Health and Safety Policy concerning Medical Waste outlined in Section VI: Housing Regulations and Standards.


    Waterbeds are prohibited.


    Firearms and other weapons or explosives are prohibited on campus. Firearms are not permitted, regardless of permit. Weapons include rifles, shotguns, handguns, paint guns, laser lights, BB and pellet pistols, rifles which are spring, gas, or air propulsion, sling shots, whips, hunting knives, knives with blades longer than 2.5 inches, bows and/or arrows, ammunition, ammunition loading devices, etc. This includes any other item that is used as a weapon. Weapons will be confiscated and may not be returned to the owner. Ammunition of any kind may not be stored in the buildings.

    Answers to questions or issues related to firearms or other weapons may be located in the University’s Campus Violence and Weapons Prohibition policy.


    For safety purposes, window screens may not be opened or removed at any time. Removing or opening a window screen for other than emergency purposes may result in a fine. Throwing any object from a window or using a window as an entry or non-emergency exit is a serious safety concern.

D. Fire Safety & Security

The University is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe environment in our residential communities while respecting and preserving individual rights. In order to manage this delicate balance, the University has developed policies and procedures to which all residents should comply.

Included below are the expectations regarding the use of personal and University facilities as they relate to fire safety issues. The University recognizes that these policies may cause individual inconvenience. The policies are intended to protect the health and welfare of the larger community. Any activity that could potentially compromise fire safety is a violation of policy. Withholding information/evidence concerning a fire is a serious offense.


    1. Prohibited Items: Those appliances with exposed elements such as toasters, toaster ovens, pizza ovens, waffle makers, electric pans or griddles, appliances that heat oil such as deep fryers, or those that have the ability to act as a pressure cook, pose a safety hazard and are not permitted in residence halls. Although not a comprehensive list, items such as slow cookers, coffee pots, electric kettles, rice cookers, and air fryers are allowed.
    2. Microwaves: The University restricts the size to a maximum of 750 watts per residence hall room or East Campus suite.
    3. Refrigerators: The University restricts the size to a maximum of 4.6 cubic feet per room. The East Campus Suites and apartments are provided with the acceptable refrigerator.
    4. Space Heaters: Space heaters of any size or style are prohibited.

    1. Candles, candle warmers, incense, or open flames: Candles, decorative or otherwise are not permitted in any campus housing unit. Incense and other items that generate open flame are prohibited. Melted wax, burned wicks, etc., may be considered a violation of this policy. Behaviors that create or present the possibility of creating a fire such as burning candles, incense, igniting door decorations, posters, or other materials regardless of intention, is considered a serious offense that could result in suspension or dismissal from the University. Candle warmers are also prohibited.
    2. Fireworks: All fireworks are prohibited on campus.
    3. Flammable Materials: Possession of materials or containers holding fluids used for igniting fires is prohibited. Prohibited fluids include, but are not limited to, charcoal lighter, gasoline, propane, and cigarette lighter refueling containers. Possession or storage of motorcycles, motor bikes, or other motorized vehicles is strictly prohibited in University Housing.
    4. Grills and Outdoor Cooking Appliances: Are allowed to be possessed and used by West Campus apartment residents provided they are kept outside of the apartment. All lighter fluid and other flammable materials must also remain outside of the apartment space and away from the building.

    1. Hanging Objects: Objects hung from any ceiling, ceiling light fixture, smoke detector, or any exposed pipe are prohibited.
    2. Obstruction of Egress: Students are prohibited from blocking or otherwise obstructing internal or external access to room doors or windows for safety reasons and emergency evacuation needs.
    3. Obstruction of Heating/Ventilation Systems: Students are prohibited from blocking or otherwise obstructing access to heating or ventilation systems. Furniture must be at least 12 inches away from all heaters or vents and must not block access to either heater or vents.
    4. Pipes: Students are not permitted to tamper with or hang any items from pipes in their rooms. Stress on pipes may cause structural damage resulting in severe water leakage.
    5. Modification of Water Supply Lines: Residents are not permitted to make any modifications to the water supply lines in any of the residential spaces. A resident, however, may request accommodations to meet their personal or religious needs by directing their request to the Director of Housing and Residence Life at [email protected].
    6. Propping Doors: Residents may not prop any residence hall or suite door intended to remain closed and/or locked for safety and security reasons. Propped doors compromise the safety and security measures they are designed to meet, including fire safety.
    7. Room Door Decorations: Students are not permitted to decorate their doors in any way (inside or out). Materials hung on the door constitute a fire hazard. Artwork on doors, such as painting, drawing, or etching will be considered destruction/damage of property.
      • Residence Hall decorations that can be affixed by masking tape will be permitted only on the concrete area surrounding the doorframe.
      • Weather stripping is not permitted.
      • Residents are responsible for any damage that may result from putting tape or other adhesives on walls or door frames.
      • Excessive decorations, as determined by Housing staff, are not permitted, as this may constitute a fire hazard.

    1. Fire Safety and Fire Safety Equipment
      • Fire Safety equipment is provided to help ensure everyone’s safety. Tampering with alarms, extinguishers, or smoke detectors is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, as well as a violation of University policies.
      • Students will be billed a minimum of $200 for any damages found through annual inspections of the smoke detectors.
      • Covering or otherwise obstructing a smoke detector is prohibited.
      • Any activity that could potentially compromise fire safety is a violation of policy.
      • Withholding information/evidence concerning a fire is a serious offense.
    2. Fire Evacuation: When fire alarms are activated, including during scheduled fire drills, all occupants must evacuate the building. Residents must wait outside the building until a member of the staff indicates they may return. Failure to evacuate during a fire alarm is a serious violation of University policy.
    3. Smoke Detectors: To enhance the safety and well-being of all students, the University has installed smoke detectors in each room, suite, and apartment.
    4. Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in University Housing. Students must stand well away (minimum of 25 feet) from all buildings while smoking outside.