Mar 14, 2025
EDLA 261 - Foundations of Literacy In this course, teacher candidates will develop a basic understanding of the relationship(s) between literacy, language, and identity. This understanding will support candidates to construct a culturally responsive approach to literacy instruction by drawing on students’ cultural funds of knowledge, family and community literacies, and digital literacies. Teacher candidates will develop an integrated understanding of literacy that accounts for the reciprocal nature of language and literacy constructs and processes (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing). Teacher candidates will be able to identify and describe foundational components of reading development, how they are related, and how they develop. Teacher candidates will examine elements of literacy artifacts and learning environments as they support key principles of culturally responsive literacy instruction. Typically offered Fall. Level: UG Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite ENGL 150 /B Ferris Equivalencies:
Department: SCED
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