2025 - 2026 Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2025 - 2026 Catalog

Elementary Education (ELED3-BS), B.S.

Location(s): Dowagiac, Flint, Grand Rapids, Midland-Bay City-Saginaw, Lansing, Ferris Main Campus

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Bachelor of Science

The School of Education offers an exemplary program in Elementary Education designed to provide a balanced blend of theory and practice. Throughout the program students will complete at least 600 hours in a variety of hands-on, field-based experiences in the K-6 classroom. Our class sizes of 20-25 students guarantee that all students receive the attention they deserve. A background in state-of-the-art educational technology prepares students to integrate computer technology into instruction. The Elementary Education Program offers two concentrations: PK-3 and 3-6. Students may choose to complete both concentrations. Students have a broad academic base in language arts, math, social studies and science. Students also receive an excellent foundation in physical education and the fine arts. The professional education courses include field-based experiences supervised by instructional teams comprised of teacher educators, professors from the content area disciplines, and expert K-6 teachers.

The Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Program Outcomes

  1. Teacher candidates demonstrate understanding of the complexities of learners, communities, and cultures to assure inclusive learning environments.
  2. Teacher candidates will develop and implement culturally responsive pedagogy.
  3. Teacher candidates demonstrate understanding of content knowledge bases as evidenced by Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) performance, GPAs, and other relevant measures.
  4. Teacher candidates employ best practices within contexts of content instruction with consideration of local and global issues.
  5. Teacher candidates design and implement a variety of differentiated assessments, formative and summative, to make decisions in relation to student learning and instructional effectiveness.
  6. Teacher candidates develop and implement rigorous, standards-based curriculum to address the needs of the whole child.
  7. Teacher candidates demonstrate understating of the professional responsibilities in the field including ethics, professional development, and communication.
  8. Teacher candidates actively reflect on their instructional practices and use feedback to improve.

Admission Requirements

New Student Admission Requirements

  • 2.50 High School GPA (on a 4.00 scale)
  • Minimum Composite ACT Score of 17/SAT 900

Transfer Student Admission Requirements

  • Combined college or university GPA of 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) from all institutions attended. GPA based on completion of 12 transferable semester credit hours or more.
  • Completion of ENGL 150  or transfer equivalent of C grade or higher
  • Completion of MATH 114 , MATH 115 , or MATH 117  or transfer equivalent of C grade or higher.
  • The degree completion program at a statewide and online location requires 30 transferable semester credits to be admitted and completion of ENGL 150 , ENGL 250 , COMM 121 , MATH 114 , MATH 115  or MATH 117 , or transfer equivalent courses of C grade or higher.

University Requirements - 41 to 43 Credits Required

First Year Seminar Requirement (FSUS 100 or Equivalent) - 0 to 1 Credit Required

All First-Time-In-Any-College Freshmen (FTIACs) must complete a one-credit FSUS 100  course, or its equivalent. Additional information and the definition of FTIAC for FSUS purposes can be found in the: Ferris State University Academic Affairs FSUS Policy

University General Education Requirements - 41 to 42 Credits Required

Courses in this section are required to satisfy the University General Education Requirements for a bachelor’s degree. The University General Education requirements can be found on the: Ferris State University General Education Requirements Webpage

Communication Competency - 12 Credits Required (or Their Equivalent)

Quantitative Literacy Competency - 3 to 4 Credits Required (or Their Equivalent)

Natural Sciences Competency - 8 Credits Required

Two courses are required with a minimum of 6 credits: must have at least one lab course.

Culture Competency - 9 Credits Required

Three courses are required with a minimum of 9 credits: must be from two different disciplines and have at least one 200 level or higher course.

Self and Society Competency - 9 Credits Required

Three courses are required with a minimum of 9 credits: must be from two different disciplines, have at least one 200 level or higher course, and at least one Self and Society Foundation course.

United States (U.S.) Diversity Competency - Courses Required Met in Self and Society Competency

If not met by courses taken for Culture Competency, Self and Society Competency, or Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), a student must have one course with the United States (U.S.) Diversity attribute. Some courses include both Global and United States (U.S.) Diversity attributes. Students in this program cannot have courses met using the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) due to Michigan Department of Education (MDE) requirements.

Global Diversity Competency - Courses Required Met in Self and Society Competency

If not met by courses taken for Culture Competency, Self and Society Competency, or Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), a student must have one course with the Global Diversity attribute. Some courses include both Global and United States (U.S.) Diversity attributes. Students in this program cannot have courses met using the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) due to Michigan Department of Education (MDE) requirements.

Collaboration Competency - 2 Courses Required

If not met by courses taken in the College Requirements section, a student must have two courses with the Collaboration attribute. Some courses include both Collaboration and Problem Solving attributes.

Problem Solving Competency - 2 Course Required

If not met by courses taken in the College Requirements section, a student must have two courses with the Problem Solving attribute. Some courses include both Collaboration and Problem Solving attributes.

College Requirements - 79 to 81 Credits Required

Major Courses - 15 Credits Required

These courses are used to calculate the major 2.75 GPA requirement.

Concentration - 64 to 66 Credits Required

Choose one concentration.

  1. Pre-Kindergarten through Third Grade Concentration (ELPK); See Pre-Kindergarten through Third Grade Concentration (ELPK) section.
  2. Third Grade through Sixth Grade Concentration (ELTS); See Third Grade through Sixth Grade Concentration (ELTS) section.

Pre-Kindergarten Through Third Grade Concentration (ELPK) - 65 to 66 Credits Required

Level 1 Courses - 15 Credits Required

Students may only retake two of the six Level 1 courses. Students may not repeat any education course more than once.These courses are not used to calculate the major 2.75 GPA requirement.
Level 2 Courses - 38 to 39 Credits Required

Prior to enrolling in any Level 2 courses, all students must meet the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) requirements, currently Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP); see advisor for options. Complete all Level 1 courses with a minimum of 2.50 GPA with no grade lower than a C, have a 2.50 cumulative GPA, and complete a Level 2 application.
Students may not repeat any education course more than once.

These courses are not used to calculate the major 2.75 GPA requirement.

Level 3 Courses - 12 Credits Required

Prior to enrolling in Level 3 courses, all students must pass the Michigan test for teacher certification in their subject area. Students must obtain the appropriate GPA for their major/minor as established by each department. A 2.75 GPA is required in the professional education course sequence. A 2.50 cumulative GPA is also required before student teaching.

Students may not repeat any education course more than once.

These courses are not used to calculate the major 2.75 GPA requirement.

Third Grade through Sixth Grade Concentration (ELTS) - 64 to 65 Credits Required

Level 1 Courses - 14 Credits Required

Students may only retake two of the six Level 1 courses. Students may not repeat any education course more than once.These courses are not used to calculate the major 2.75 GPA requirement.
Level 2 Courses - 38 to 39 Credits Required

Prior to enrolling in any Level 2 courses, all students must meet the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) requirements, currently Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP); see advisor for options. Complete all Level 1 courses with a minimum of 2.50 GPA with no grade lower than a C, have a 2.50 cumulative GPA, and complete a Level 2 application.

Students may not repeat any education course more than once.

These courses are not used to calculate the major 2.75 GPA requirement.

Level 3 Courses - 12 Credits Required

Prior to enrolling in Level 3 courses, all students must pass the Michigan test for teacher certification in their subject area. Students must obtain the appropriate GPA for their major/minor as established by each department. A 2.75 GPA is required in the professional education course sequence. A 2.50 cumulative GPA is also required before student teaching.

Students may not repeat any education course more than once.

These courses are not used to calculate the major 2.75 GPA requirement.


  • Students who return to the university after an interrupted enrollment, not including summer semester, must normally meet the requirements of the curriculum which are in effect at the time of their return, not the requirements which were in effect when they were originally admitted.
  • Ferris State University’s Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO) and Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) policies will not apply to this program due to Michigan Department of Education (MDE) requirements.
  • Credit Variance - Credits required may vary based on course placement, prerequisites, etc. If you have questions, contact your advisor.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from Ferris State University, students must meet both University and Programmatic Graduation Requirements.

University Graduation Requirements

These are the minimum graduation requirements for a bachelor’s degree at Ferris State University:

  • All requirements as specified in the University Requirements section must be met.
  • A minimum of 120 credits must be earned.
  • A 2.00 or higher cumulative Ferris State University GPA is required.
  • A minimum of 30 credits must be earned from Ferris State University to meet the Residency requirement.

Programmatic Graduation Requirements

These are the additional graduation requirements mandated by the program:

  • All requirements as specified in the College Requirements section must be met.
  • A 2.75 or higher cumulative Ferris State University GPA is required.
  • A 2.75 or higher cumulative GPA is required in the Major Courses section.
  • A 2.75 or higher cumulative GPA is required before beginning student teaching.
  • A minimum grade of C must be earned in all courses.

Suggested Semester Layout - Pre-Kindergarten Through Third Grade Concentration (ELPK)

Consult Advisor to Approve Your Customized Plan in MyDegree

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fourth Year

Suggested Semester Layout - Third Grade through Sixth Grade Concentration (ELTS)

Consult Advisor to Approve Your Customized Plan in MyDegree

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fourth Year

Contact Information

School of Education
(231) 591-5361
[email protected]

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