2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MFGE-BS), B.S.

Location(s): Grand Rapids, Lansing, Muskegon, Ferris Main Campus

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Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Technology allows students to choose from two different concentrations, Process Development or Quality.

Manufacturing Engineering Technology with Process Development Concentration offers students the opportunity to make their company’s products better, safer and less expensive. Students work with state-of-the-art computers and equipment. Ferris students learn to identify and select materials based on production requirements and work closely with computer-aided design equipment (CAD/CAM). They conduct time studies, complete cost estimates, aid in solving manufacturing problems, formulate plant layout requirements, understand management control systems, justify and select quality equipment and automated systems, and design a total product manufacturing system. Specific entry-level positions include manufacturing engineer, process engineer, production engineer, tool engineer, industrial engineer, and quality engineer. The Manufacturing Engineering Technology with Quality Concentration offers students the opportunity to improve the quality planning and performance for their company. Students learn to apply statistical tools such as SPC, sampling, gauge R&R studies, and Design of Experiments. They develop control plans, FMEA’s, and learn to perform quality audits. Ferris has tailored the program for the part-time student by offering courses at night at the Advanced Technology Center in Grand Rapids. Graduates of the program are prepared to assume technical and leadership positions in all areas of quality within a variety of industries. Graduates are prepared to advance into such positions as a quality engineer, quality manager, plant manager, and project engineer

Program Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to design manufacturing systems that produce products that meet or exceed design and quality requirements with the minimum expenditure of resources.
  2. Students will be able to develop proper measurement systems and demonstrate the ability to apply statistical tools for the purpose of manufacturing process improvement.
  3. Students will conduct themselves and communicate in a way that is consistent with a manufacturing professional.
  4. Students will demonstrate the application of skills that are attractive to potential employers.
  5. Students will be able to work with their peers in order to accomplish manufacturing engineering tasks.
  6. Students will demonstrate problem solving skills.
  7. Students will be able to develop and improve manufacturing processes.

Admission Requirements

New Student Admission Requirements

  • The Manufacturing Engineering Technology, BS degree is only open to students who meet the Transfer Student Admission Requirements below.
  • High school students interested in this program may apply to the Manufacturing Technology, AAS program.

Transfer Student Admission Requirements

  • Combined college or university GPA of 2.50 (on a 4.00 scale) from all institutions attended. Developmental courses will not be considered in computing the GPA requirement.
  • Minimum 57 transferable semester credit hours (C or higher) from an accredited college or university, including technical courses, general and technical related courses.
  • Successful completion of COMM 121 , ENGL 150  and (ENGL 211  or ENGL 250 ), MATH 126  or MATH 130 , MATL 240 , MFGE 150, PDET 122 , MECH 122  or ISYS 105 , a Natural Science Competency course (preferably Chemistry), a Culture Competency course, a Self and Society Competency course, or transfer equivalent courses of C grade of higher.

University Requirements - 37 to 41 Credits Required

First Year Seminar Requirement (FSUS 100 or Equivalent) - 0 to 1 Credit Required

All First-Time-In-Any-College Freshmen (FTIACs) must complete a one-credit FSUS 100  course, or its equivalent. Additional information and the definition of FTIAC for FSUS purposes can be found in the: Ferris State University Academic Affairs FSUS Policy

University General Education Requirements - 37 to 40 Credits Required

Courses in this section are required to satisfy the University General Education Requirements for a bachelor’s degree. The University General Education requirements can be found on the: Ferris State University General Education Requirements Webpage

Communication Competency - 9 to 12 Credits Required (or Their Equivalent)

If the Process Development Concentration (PDV) is chosen, MFGE 324 , MFGE 393 , and MFGE 421  are major and concentration courses that are also considered Communication Across the Curriculum (CATCs) courses and satisfy the upper-level Communication requirement. If the Quality Concentration (QTY) is chosen, the upper-level Communication requirement is met by ENGL 311 .

Quantitative Literacy Competency - 4 Credits Required (or Their Equivalent)

Natural Sciences Competency - 6 Credits Required

Two courses are required with a minimum of 6 credits: must have at least one lab course.

Culture Competency - 9 Credits Required

Three courses are required with a minimum of 9 credits: must be from two different disciplines and have at least one 200 level or higher course.

Self and Society Competency - 9 Credits Required

Three courses are required with a minimum of 9 credits: must be from two different disciplines, have at least one 200 level or higher course, and at least one Self and Society Foundation course.

United States (U.S.) Diversity Competency - 1 Course Required

If not met by courses taken for Culture Competency, Self and Society Competency, or Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), a student must have one course with the United States (U.S.) Diversity attribute. Some courses include both Global and United States (U.S.) Diversity attributes.

Global Diversity Competency - 1 Course Required

If not met by courses taken for Culture Competency, Self and Society Competency, or Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), a student must have one course with the Global Diversity attribute. Some courses include both Global and United States (U.S.) Diversity attributes.

Collaboration Competency - Courses Required Met in College Requirements or Concentration

If not met by courses taken in the bachelor’s degree program, a student must have two courses with the Collaboration attribute. Some courses include both Collaboration and Problem Solving attributes.

Problem Solving Competency - Courses Required Met in College Requirements or Concentration

If not met by courses taken in the bachelor’s degree program, a student must have two courses with the Problem Solving attribute. Some courses include both Collaboration and Problem Solving attributes.

College Requirements - 83 Credits Required

Concentration - 18 to 20 Credits Required

Choose one concentration.

Process Development Concentration (PDV) - 20 Credits Required

Available at Both Big Rapids and Grand Rapids Campuses

Quality Concentration (QTY) - 18 Credits Required

Available at Grand Rapids Campus Only

Electives - 31 to 33 Credits Required (Consult Advisor)

The credits required may vary depending on courses taken.

In order to graduate with a bachelor’s degree, a student must have a minimum of 120 credits. The electives required for each student may vary depending on courses taken. Based on how a student meets the programmatic requirements, they may need more or less than 31 to 33 credits of elective courses to meet the required 120 credit minimum. The total number of elective credits required depends on the chosen concentration in the Concentration section.


  • Students who return to the university after an interrupted enrollment, not including summer semester, must normally meet the requirements of the curriculum which are in effect at the time of their return, not the requirements which were in effect when they were originally admitted.
  • Credit Variance - Credits required may vary based on course placement, prerequisites, etc. If you have questions, contact your advisor.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from Ferris State University, students must meet both University and Programmatic Graduation Requirements.

University Graduation Requirements

These are the minimum graduation requirements for a bachelor’s degree at Ferris State University:

  • All requirements as specified in the University Requirements section must be met.
  • A minimum of 120 credits must be earned.
  • A 2.00 or higher cumulative Ferris State University GPA is required.
  • A minimum of 30 credits must be earned from Ferris State University to meet the Residency requirement.
  • A minimum of 40 credits of 300 level or higher courses must be earned.

Programmatic Graduation Requirements

These are the additional graduation requirements mandated by the program:

  • All requirements as specified in the College Requirements section must be met.

Suggested Semester Layout

Consult Advisor to Approve Your Customized Plan in MyDegree

First Year and Second Year

Refer to the Suggested Semester Layout for the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Manufacturing Technology (MFTE)or Consult Advisor for Assistance

Third Year

Fall Courses

Total Credits: 16-18

Spring Courses

Total Credits: 17-19

Summer Courses

Total Credits: 4

Fourth Year

Fall Courses

Total Credits: 15-19

Spring Courses

  • Credit Hours: 2
  • Self and Society Competency Credit Hours: 3
  • Culture Competency Credit Hours: 3
  • Concentration Course Credit Hours: 2-4
  • Concentration Course Credit Hours: 2-4
  • Concentration Course Credit Hours: 0-4
Total Credits: 12-20

Contact Information

Manufacturing Engineering Technology Programs
(231) 591-2511
[email protected]

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